Cypripedium montanum   NPSO
    Annual Meeting
Dicentra uniflora

Field Trips

Ten field trips are offered on Saturday.

We expect to offer a Friday field trip and a Sunday field trip, as well.
Please indicate your interest on the Registration Form.

There are many self-guiding botany stops to make along the way to or from Logan Valley,
and there's lots of botanizing on the Malheur National Forest if you come early or stay later.

While in the area, you might wish to visit the site of the Humongous Fungus!

Just out! The new map of Malheur National Forest and vicinity.
map title page

1/2 inch = 1 mile. Shaded relief. Water-resistant paper.

Order from:
Malheur National Forest
PO Box 909
John Day OR 97845

$8 postpaid; check payable to "USFS" or "USDA".

Specify: "Southern Blue Mountains - 2010".
You don't want the 1994 Malheur NF map!

This map is also available at the Forest Service office in John Day (431 Patterson Bridge Road) and other government or private retail outlets.

Do you have a question not answered on this website? E-mail us, and we'll send you the information.

Updated 8 June 2011